Monday, May 26, 2008

Extract the RGB colour of a shape using VBA.

There are times when we want to replicate a Shapes RBG value in some other shape or at least know the Red, Green and Blue components distinctly.

Hear is function that will help us extract the RBG value of shape is any MS Office Application (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint).

The function returns two values, one as Text string and the other one as Hexadecimal value depending on the Boolean type you specify.

Paste the codes as below in any VBA mobule:

Function RBGExtract(myShape As Shape, IsHex As Boolean) As Variant

c = myShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB

If IsHex = False Then

redComponent = c Mod 256

greenComponent = c \ 256 Mod 256

blueComponent = c \ 65536 Mod 256

RBGExtract = "RGB components: " & redComponent & _

", " & greenComponent & ", " & blueComponent


RBGExtract = c

End If

End Function

Now, its time to test the function that we have created, we will test it in PPT through following subroutine:

Sub Test()

With ActivePresentation.Slides(1)

MsgBox RBGExtract(.Shapes(1), True), vbInformation,

'To test the Hexadecimal value
MsgBox RBGExtract(.Shapes(1), False), vbInformation, 'To test the Text value

End With

End Sub

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